Humanity actions and inactions, our commissions and omissions are impregnated with fallibility beyond our comprehension, that oftentimes, we gave super-extended believe of perfection to our cognitive ability, to the extent that we do not mince words when we say we are "thoroughly ready" or something like "we have anticipated a given situation" 

Excerpts from Osuntokun's interview by Thecable newspaper, that I read today is quit interesting, not because he has anything significantly different to say from the usual political demagoguery, often associated with the members of political party in opposition. However, what I find interesting is that he laid so much importance on the phrase planning ahead, put differently anticipation of effects, preparedness. 

According to Osuntokun......"The problem that I see is that, unfortunately, the government of President Tinubu seem not to have anticipated or prepared for the kind of challenges or crisis that we are experiencing" 

I beg to disagree with him on the above quoted statement.

What is thoroughly ready, and politically ready? Osuntokun, there are no quick fixes in financial and economic theories nor philosophies that are absolutely constituted in nature as panaceas in resolving crisis like what we are dealing with at the moment. Remember that this is no time to delve into political jingoism, unnecessary demagoguery, as postulate within the purview of finding solutions to our socio-economic problems. 

The President, in my view prepared and anticipated that there would be socio economic problems, whichever ways he directed the country. However, decision must be made, though tough, decisions are made in the longer time interest of the country. It doesn't matter which party is in government, these though policy decisions must be considered. We might argue about timing but such argumentation is neither here nor there, since financial economic policies are conditioned by the slogan ceteris Paribus.  There is therefore, never a perfect time. 

Osuntokun, talked about anticipation of challenges, but he failed to realised that anticipatory solutions are not airtight, since they are subject to the vagaries of subtle changes within the polity which are difficult to factor into policy analysis and performance. It is important to pointedly say that minor variations in factors and assumptions on which anticipatory plans are predicated can cause the effects of such policy underlying expectation to be different. 

If we both agreed about the influence of subtle variations in factors and assumptions on the ultimate goals of anticipatory plans, is it not wise that government must respond adequately with periodic reassessment of the policy framework to fit the situation at hand and whenever new challenges come up.

No matter our cerebrality within the universe of intellectualisation, one thing we must not forget to put forward as a mirror  of caution is the Law of Unintended Consequences arising from our ruminations, agreements, thoughts and policies. The President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is well aware of this law which is double edged implication-wise. 

Osuntokun, what is happening is never a fire brigade approach as suggested by you but a well thought out policy decision. However, every well thought out human decisions or policy mechanism has its own limitations. 
