The latest development arising from #BETTAGATE is the press release confirming that the president approved N3bn for the verification of beneficiaries of the poverty alleviation program under the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs. (National Social Register) 

The obvious reasoning for such decision would be about authentication to prevent fraudulent activities commonplace under the previous administration in respect of implementation and the politicking of the whole process.

However, the questions ruminating the minds of concerned citizens of Nigeria are germaine to finding sustainable and transparent methodology, within the purview of contractual tenders and selection procedures for companies appointed to carry out the verification exercise.

It is noteworthy to state that sound questioning, interrogation of the selection process, terms of reference, scope, geographical spread and the methodology to be used for such verification must be put under scrutiny.

Many questions come to mind concerning the list of companies mentioned in the press release. Nigerians would like to know who the beneficial owners of these companies are?

It is public knowledge that Tunji Ojo is a beneficial owner of  New Planet Project Limited. We need to know who the owners are of all the other companies participating in the verification exercise. 

Openness and transparency are necessary to the resolution of the heist we are trying to unravel via EFCC and ICPC, nothing short would be acceptable to Nigerians.

Furthermore, is there a public tender for the contracts and what are the requirements that must be fulfilled and performance records or antecedents of these companies in relation to the execution of verification services of such magnitude?

I personally have not read or seen any advertisement for tender concerning the register verification exercise anywhere.

Who approved these contracts?

What exactly are these companies going to do concerning verification?

What methodology are they going to employ in respect of identification? 

What are the criteria used for the selection of those on the register abinitio and where, what, is the source(s) of data gathering for such exercise? 

I am worried that we have started on a wrong journey of profligacy with these contracts as they epitomise wastefulness and  institutional influence peddling. 

What are the activities of the Social Security Administration of Nigeria?

Is there any linkage with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation? 
Are we not dealing with duplication of responsibilities? 

Ad-hocism has always been our lot in Nigeria, when it comes to policy and programs because we relish duplication for personal financial gains. 

I am of the opinion that data or register of people living in multidimensional poverty in Nigeria can be generated through census, which in principle would give us detailed information gathered about citizens rather than the ragtag unknown companies masquerading as data mining consultants. The N3bn would have been wisely spent if the National Population Commission is giving the fund to conduct census within a short time frame, since they are well prepared abinitio. 

The questions are endless, inexhaustible. I hope those handlers of the president would try to find reasonable answers to these questions for Nigerians. 

Fingers crossed. 
